Marianist Connect's features can be found in two places: the header bar, and in a dropdown menu that is found by clicking your profile image in the top right of the screen:
Features in Marianist Connect's Header Bar include:
News: News is the first place you will arrive in Marianist Connect. Here, news from various Marianist Family ministries, communities, branches, and other groups will be posted here regularly.
Family Sharing: The Family Sharing wall is where any user of Marianist Connect can share reflections, questions, resources, or other thoughts or information. There are two types of posts that a user can place on the Family Sharing wall:
Calendar: The Calendar is where you can find and post any Marianist related event. Events posted to the Calendar automatically show up on the Family Sharing wall as well. Calendar events may be designated as In Person, Virtual, or Both. In Person events should include a physical location, and Virtual events should include a video conferencing link.
Directory: The Marianist Family Directory is currently available only to Lay Marianists with an active membership in MLC-NA and Marianist sisters, brothers, or priests located in a province in the US or Canada. If you are a member of one of these groups and do not have access to the Directory, please contact to investigate the issue.