Getting Started
Downloading Marianist Connect

Downloading Marianist Connect

Learn how to download Marianist Connect to your desktop computer, tablet, or phone

Marianist Connect can be downloaded to any desktop computer, tablet, or phone regardless of whether it works on Apple, Windows, or Android.

When using an iPhone or iPad, it is necessary to begin the download process on Safari.  If you are on another browser, switch to Safari and return to the Marianist Connecthomepage.

To get started, click the Download button on the homepage:


Follow the on screen instructions to install Marianist Connect to your device.


iPhone or iPad Only:

On iPhone or iPad, you will need to click a special download icon at the bottom of the screen.  See where it is located in the red box below:

Next, you will need to scroll to the right to find “Add to Home Screen”.  See the red box below for where this button lives:

Marianist Connect is now on your home screen.


Add Notifications:

When prompted, click Get Notifications to make sure that you are informed when the latest news is posted: